Astrology and Horoscope Books and Calendars at Mystic Convergence Metaphysical Supplies
All Around the Zodiac
Angels of the Zodiac
Aspects and Personality
Astrology and Relationships
Astrology for Beginners
Astrology for Real Life
Astrology of the Moon
Astrology on the Cusp
Astrology, Plain & Simple
Behind the Horoscope
Born Under a Good Sign
Chinese Power Animals
Chiron - Healing Body & Soul
Druidic Soul Star Astrology
Essential Astrology
Horary Astrology
Jesus Christ, Sun of God
Lunar Nodes
Runic Astrology
Sun Signs & Past Lives
Sun Signs Plain & Simple
Tarot and Astrology

Some people believe our lives are written in the stars - set out for us depending on the position of the stars at the time of our birth. The stars guide us towards our fates from birth thru death.
You do not have to practice witchcraft to believe in horoscopes and astrology.
These books give a wealth of information on astrology both for general divination and for use in occult practices such as witchcraft, pagan rituals, and magical spells.