Wands & Staves at Mystic Convergence Metaphysical Supplies
Amethyst Healing Wand
Crystal Quartz Healing Wand
Dragon Magic Wand
Golden Quartz Healing Wand
Green Jade Healing Wand
Greenman Magic Wand
Lapis Lazuli Healing Wand
Magic Wand Stand
Owl Magic Wand
Pentagram Magic Wand
Rose Quartz Healing Wand
Skull Magic Wand
Snake Magic Wand
The Witch's Guide to Wands
Wizards Staff

Magical wands help focus the mind and direct the flow of energy during rituals and spellcraft. Long a symbol of Witchcraft, wands are used in many spiritual practices including Wicca. Energy can be channeled from the witch thru the wand to charge amulets, talismans, or other ritual items. This energy is often used to cast circles.
A witch's wand is a very personal tool that should only be used by its owner. Most witches guard their wands carefully wrapping them in silk or natural linen stored in special boxes when not in use. Finding the right wand is a personal preference and some witches have different wands for different purposes such as healing, charging, and casting spells. While wands are traditionally made of wood, they may also be metal (copper is a particular favorite as it conducts energy very well), glass, or natural crystals (crystal wands are often used for healing). They may be as simple as a found stick taken from a favorite tree or found during a walk, to an elaborate piece wrapped with leather, wire, or set with crystals and stones.
We carry a great variety of magickal wands, all carefully handmade and beautifully finished just for you.